Flash is G6S normal. Flash has turned out to be a very nice buck. he is throwing nice udders on his daughters with nice orifices, so easy to milk, just like Perchik's daughters have been. I still have alimited use of him, but hope to be able to use him on more does soon! He's got what we've been breeding for, color and quality, we're VERY happy with Flash and he will be here for the rest of his life.
As a 3 year old he won another reserve and one grand.
As a four year old he won another reserve.
As a 5 year old he won his second grand!
As a 6 year old he won another reserve grand, hoping for that elusive 3rd grand as a 7 year old! He filled out some this last summer, so we'll see how he does next year.
As a 7 year old he won another reserve grand, but unfortunately he passed away on June first 2011. He was my big sweety, he will be sorely missed. I was very sad we did not have a son to keep, but we do have four of his daughters (Xstar, Yonder Beauty, Zsa Zsa and Pixie) and his littermate sister(Tiara) so he will live on in our herd.