Casein tested, he is A/B
Fiddler is a terrific conformation and colored buckling. I have high hopes for him as he has a LOT of color genetics in him and is also from our base animals. His dam's udder is very nice and easy to milk. He has a lot of what I have been breeding for in him...we will see what he gives us in 2016 when his first babes will be here.
Fiddler has matured very nicely in just his first year. As a yearling he measured 1/2 inch taller than his 7 year old sire!
Fiddler has really matured quickly and he had some beautiful babies!
Show record:
2x 1st out of 2 and 1x2nd out of 2
3 x 1st out of two, 1 grand champion & 1 reserve grand champion
2 x 1st out of 2, grand champion and reserve grand champion. 1 x 2 out of 2
3 x 1st out of 2 and 3 x Grand chamnpion and 1 x best in show!!
Linear Appraisal scores:
1 year old 84 V++
3 years old 86 +VE
Unfortunately we lost Fiddler a couple weeks after his big show! He was only 4 years old, but we had been battling him with his water bucket for a couple years and apparently the lack of water periodically caused him to get urinary stones. We did lose him to UC, our first and hopefully only case in our bucks. He was in the prime of his life and will be a big loss in our herd. He did not have daughters from three different does (we were still using his sire, Yentil, while he was still with us) so he is the only buck we've ever used in our herd that will never be able to become a +B buck. Also we had not kept a son yet, so his line will not be kept in our buck line as we had planned. God did allow us to have his little brother Klondiketo keep this year, so Klondike will start his life as our newest herdsire. We hope that he does as wonderful as his big brother! Fiddler was a big baby to me, he loved me and I loved him.